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Parks & Recreation 08.17.09 Minutes
10192009_54153_0.png                                                                                                                                                                                      _________________________                               Massachusetts
Parks & Recreation
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of August 17, 2009

Committee Members: Sergio Coviello (SC), Lauren McMullen (LM), Billie Luker (BL),
Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
Staff: Marty Tilton (MT), Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS),
Absent: Rita Mullin (RM), Mike Prisco (MP), Lynne Clemens (LC)
Location: Town Hall, Room 10

7:08pm Quorum, meeting called to order by Lauren McMullen (LM)

Audience of Citizens: None

Acceptance of minutes

New Business
Financial Updates-(MS)
Maureen informed the committee that the financial will take her a bit longer because of all the problems she is having with the new MUNIS system.

Wheeler Dumpster-(MT)
A Neighbor by IRP is complaining because she can see the dumpsters by the P&R barn and she claims they are an eye sore. Marty is looking into the cost of an 8’ or 10’ stockade or chain link fencing to block the dumpster from view.

Warrant Article-(MS)
Maureen updated the committee on the Warrant article status for October town meeting.  P&R has submitted a request for two place holders for warrant article for the October Town meeting.  The first place holder is the IRP Bathroom project and the second place holder is for a Bridge project from rte 62 over to IRP in front of the High School.  We are waiting for more backup documentation on the Bridge project.

Capital Improvement Plan-(MS)
Capital Improvement Plan is basically a list of projects that a department may have intention on working on during the upcoming year.  This list is submitted to the Town Administrators office.  Maureen reiterated the list we have prior, which was:
  • IRP bathroom project-resurfacing walking paths
  • Sports Field –turf
  • Middle School Field
  • Develop the Wheeler Building
  • Pavilion
Billie Luker asked why we did not have a Recreation Center on the list.  The committee member concurred with Billie and asked Maureen to add a Community Recreation center to the list.

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Old Business
IRP Bathroom-bid updates (SC)
Sergio summarized for the committee a meeting he had with Danny Smith regarding the cost of a septic system for the IRP bathroom project. Smith verbally quoted Sergio $70, 000 for the septic alone that is not including anything else.  The actual bathroom structure would be $50,000.  Mie O’Neill would have to revamp the plans to go out to bid again which would be an additional cost of $500 to change the plans, $150 for the site visit and $1200 to research and prepare additional plans separately for the pavilion project. Mike O’Neill told Serg that he would prepare a written estimate for all three points.  Lauren McMullen asked Sheila Sturdevant to send out an email to LUC and copy the P&R Committee letting LUC know all the above information and to get their feedback ASAP so that we can move ahead on the project.  

(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to move forward with the IRP Bathroom project for $120,000 of LUC Funding for bathroom structure and septic system to go out to rebid.
        Approved:  3            Opposed:  1*            Abstained:  0
Motion Passed                           *Mike Fitzpatrick

Friend of NR P&R 501 (C) (3) (LM)
Lauren updated the committee that the approval was received for the Friends of  North Reading 501 c 3.  She requested that a copy be sent to all P&R committee members.  Lauren stated that Friends of North Reading Parks & Recreation (FONRP&R) will commence having meeting after summer ends probably around the middle of September.  Also, Lauren will let Rita Mullin know to tell LUC committee that the Wine and Food Social can now be run through FONRP&R.

Marty updated the committee on the progress at KidSpot.  He is still waiting for some equipment to be received by vendors.  The project is targeted to be complete by 9/4/09.  The original KidSpot sign is in very bad condition so it will be replaced and will keep the original donators on the sign and add on the bottom renovated by P&R and the Hillview Commission.

Lights at the Middle School-(MS)
Maureen updated the committee that Mike Prisco found lighting for the Mullen field. There are 3 mobile units for $11,600 total and have very low hours of use on them and run on diesel fuel. . Mike Fitzpatrick asks if these units can be rented out to the NR sports Leagues such as soccer or football.  Maureen said she would research a rental fee and they can talk to the committee as a whole on the idea.

Other Business
Community Garden-(LM)
Lauren informed the committee that Warren Pearce has approached her with the idea of a community garden.
She asked to have this place on the next meeting agenda.

(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to adjourn meeting at 8:45 pm.
(LM) Lauren McMullen seconds the motion.
                Approved:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0